Israeli Prime Minister's Office : 2 Pakistanis apprehended in Greece for planning an assault on a Jewish restaurant
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2 Pakistanis apprehended in Greece for planning an assault on a Jewish restaurant

The Israeli Prime Minister’s Office (PMO) stated in a statement that the two apprehended Pakistanis were members of an Iranian terror network.

The Israeli Prime Minister’s Office (PMO) stated in a statement that the 2 apprehended Pakistanis were members of an Iranian terror network.

The Israeli espionage agency Mossad and the Greek police are said to have collaborated to thwart a conspiracy to launch a massive terror attack against Israelis and Jews in Greece.

The media of Israel reports that on Tuesday, the Greek police apprehended 2 Pakistani nationals who were allegedly plotting an attack.

The Israeli Prime Minister’s Office (PMO) stated in a statement that the 2 apprehended Pakistanis were members of an Iranian terror network.

“The affair that was uncovered in Greece is a serious case that was effectively thwarted by Greek security forces. It was a further endeavor by Iran to commit terrorism against Israeli and Jewish targets abroad, the Israeli PMO stated.

“After the beginning of the investigation of the suspects in Greece, the Mossad provided intelligence assistance in deciphering the infrastructure, its work methods, and the connection to Iran.

“The investigation revealed that the infrastructure operating in Greece is part of a vast Iranian network run from Iran and spanning multiple countries,” the report continued.

The 2 unidentified suspects, ages 27 and 29, are reportedly being detained at the police headquarters in the heart of Athens. A third man who is not in Greece is sought for questioning and has been indicted absentee.

According to local news reports, the target of the attack was a Chabad House, which incorporates a kosher restaurant and hosts religious services.

It is noteworthy that the Pakistani terrorists who carried out the 26/11 assaults in Mumbai also targeted the Chabad House in the Indian metropolis.

Greek Police stated that the suspects had selected a “highly symbolic” target and were making the final preparations for an attack.

“Their objective was not only to cause the death of innocent citizens, but also to undermine the country’s sense of security while harming public institutions and endangering (Greece’s) international relations,” according to the Greek police.

The two Pakistanis are reportedly part of a “vast Iranian network that operates out of Iran and many other countries.”

“Analysis of the seized information and digital data revealed and confirmed that the members of the network had already selected a building of special importance as the target of the attack, conducted reconnaissance of the area and planned the attack, and received final orders to carry out the attack,” according to a police statement carried by the Greek news website Directus.

According to the report, authorities began investigating the terror network after the apprehension of 2  Pakistanis men suspected of planning attacks against Israelis in 2021.

The network also had ties to an Iranian conspiracy thwarted in Turkey last year, according to the report.

Eli Cohen, Israeli Minister of Foreign Affairs, thanked Greece for foiling the conspiracy.

“The Ayatollah regime in Tehran exports terror throughout the Middle East, the Mediterranean, and the rest of the globe.” “Only a firm stance and cooperation will stop the Iranian regime’s terrorist activities,” Cohen tweeted.

Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant described the arrest as “further evidence of Israeli intelligence’s superiority and the significance of international cooperation in the fight against terrorism and its perpetrators.”

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“The Mossad and Israel’s intelligence agencies will continue to ensure that wherever Iran seeks to act against our citizens, it will face a strong response,” he said.

Written by Ajit Karn

Ajit Karn is blogger and writer, he has been writing for several top news channels since a decade. His blogs & notions have quality contents.

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