Benjamin Netanyahu, the prime minister of Israel, has said that his country is "looking into" providing military aid to Ukraine.
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Benjamin Netanyahu, the prime minister of Israel, has said that his country is “looking into” providing military aid to Ukraine.

Benjamin Netanyahu stated on Wednesday that he was considering providing Ukraine with military aid and was willing to serve as a mediator.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu attends the weekly cabinet meeting in Jerusalem, 3 January 2023. Atef Safadi/Pool via REUTERS

Benjamin Netanyahu responded, “Well, I’m absolutely looking into it,” when asked during an interview with CNN whether or if assistance could be supplied by Israel to Ukraine, similar to the system known as Iron Dome, which is supported by the United States and protects Israel from aerial attack.

He went on to say that the stockpile of artillery that belonged to the United States and was stationed in Israel had been moved to Ukraine, and that he sees the actions against Iran as being part of a similar effort to move the artillery stockpile.

“The United States has just given a significant quantity of Israel’s military equipment to the Ukrainian government. To tell you the truth, Israel takes action against Iran’s weapon productions that are used against Ukraine in a number of different ways, which I will not list here “Benjamin Netanyahu added.

Benjamin Netanyahu also stated that he had been asked to intervene in an unofficial capacity after the Russian invasion of Ukraine in February; however, he did not accept these requests because he was still a member of the opposition at the time.
He went on to say that he would be happy to act as a mediator if the United States and other countries asked Israel once more.

Netanyahu made no specific guarantees to Ukraine, and Israel has maintained a partnership with Russia, which controls the skies over neighbouring Syria and has turned a blind eye to Israeli attacks against Iran’s archenemy Assad.

Also read:- Biden’s Delaware home was the target of an FBI raid, but no more documents were found there.

“Because of my extensive life experience, I am aware that there must be an opportune moment coupled with an appropriate set of conditions before any action can be taken. If the circumstances warrant it, I’ll give it some thought “Benjamin Netanyahu remarked. He went on to say that he believed the conflict in Ukraine was of “monumental importance,” but that “we have our own backyard to deal with.”

Written by Ajit Karn

Ajit Karn is blogger and writer, he has been writing for several top news channels since a decade. His blogs & notions have quality contents.

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