On Saturday, Salman Khan revealed that Bigg Boss 17 contestant Manasvi Mamgai had been eliminated. The model-actor, who had entered the competition as a wild card the previous week, did not make it past the first elimination. The Trial actor claims that Samarth Jurel got more attention than he deserved because of his romantic interest in Isha Malviya, despite the fact that she first appeared on the show with him.
“The Samarth-Isha-Abhishek Kumar love triangle garnered all the limelight in the last week,” Manasvi told indianexpress.com. Salman sir recognized my talent and said I stood out, although he admitted that “they definitely had more drama to offer.”
evicted contestant feels that the format has seen a shift, putting singles in the backseat.
The eliminated participant believes the format has changed, giving less attention to the singles in the competition now that the focus is on Ankita Lokhande and Vicky Jain, and Neil Bhatt and Aishwarya Sharma. I can’t tell if it’s Temptation Island or Bigg Boss. All of a sudden, it’s all about the couples. Even down to the pairing of Munawar Faruqui and Mannara Chopra to make them appear to be an item. It’s strange that just couples are getting the spotlight.
ALSO READ:- Bigg Boss 17, Day 19 Currently, Mannara and Khanzaadi are scheduled to fight.
Manasvi Mamgai accused YouTuber Anurag Dobhal
Manasvi Mamgai, as loyal viewers will recall, was scheduled to make her debut on the Salman Khan-hosted show during its pilot episode. It was ultimately decided that she would enter the competition as a wild card two weeks later. Manasvi agreed to add, “Absolutely,” when asked if that strategy had backfired on her.
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If I had been a part of the show from the beginning, I think my chances would have been better. When I got there later and saw how everyone else was playing, I felt I’d have a leg up. but that didn’t happen.”
She also said that YouTuber Anurag Dobhal was a liar who had used her feelings against her by nominating him and even conspiring against her.
Manasvi appeared eager to connect with him on the show because they are both originally from Uttarakhand. The actor, however, said that Anurag may have planned against her in order to prevent a split in the votes cast by residents of Uttarakhand.
Manasvi Mamgai said that, while being “extremely disappointed” at being booted from the show, she is not “cynical” about reality television. She said that the next time a chance presents itself, she will do everything in her power to seize it.
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Salman Khan pulling up Vicky Jain for calling Neil Bhatt before entering the show
When Vicky Jain called Neil Bhatt before coming on the show, host Salman Khan called her out on it. He made them understand how that was a violation of their contract and how it could lead to their dismissal from the show.
The same was true with Isha Malviya and her ex-boyfriend Abhishek Kumar, whom he accused of having an inappropriate conversation before the program. Salman stated that the makers had decided to forgive them because they acknowledged the mistake on national television.