China at UN
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China at UN: Sending weapons to Ukraine will add fuel to war

Ukraine’s President Volodymyr Zelenskyy vows to keep up the fight ahead of the war’s one-year anniversary as Western countries pledge to send more military aid to Ukraine.

China at UN: Thursday, Dai Bing, China’s deputy ambassador to the United Nations, stated that sending weapons to Ukraine will only add fuel to the conflict and escalate tensions rather than bring peace.

Speaking at the eleventh emergency Special Session China at UN on Ukraine in the United Nations, China’s deputy ambassador, alluding to Western nations, said, “The international community should make joint efforts to facilitate peace talks when aired into the Ukraine crisis, brutal facts provide ample proof that sending weapons will not bring peace and that adding fuel to the fire will only exacerbate tensions.”

“Prolonging and escalating the conflict will only cause the common people to pay a greater price. “We reiterate our call for the continuation of diplomacy, negotiations, and cease-fire initiatives,” he added.

Instead of fighting fires and pursuing self-interest, Dai urged the international community to “cease misusing unilateral sanctions and long-arm jurisdiction.” They should instead act in a manner conducive to de-escalation.

After Putin conferred with China’s top diplomat, Wang Yi, in Moscow, the deputy ambassador made his remarks.

Putin has announced that he will suspend participation in New START, the only remaining significant nuclear arms control treaty between Russia and the United States, and has sought to place blame for the Ukraine conflict on the West.

Russia’s Federation Council, the upper house of parliament, unanimously passed a measure suspending the New Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty, according to the Russian state news agency TASS (New START).

Following its introduction by Russian President Vladimir Putin, the measure was approved by the State Duma on Wednesday morning.

Putin alone can decide to reinstate Russia’s participation in New START, according to TASS.

China’s deputy ambassador to the United Nations stated that peace talks should be the international community’s top priority. Dai, reiterating remarks made by China at the Munich Security Conference, expressed China’s dismay that initial talks between Kiev and Moscow had stalled.

Dai stated, “Dialogue and negotiation are the only viable means of resolving the Ukraine crisis.” “At the onset of the crisis, Russia and Ukraine engaged in multiple sessions of negotiations and made significant progress. Since then, peace negotiations have stalled. The reasons for this merit serious consideration.”

“We support Russia and Ukraine advancing towards each other, resuming direct dialogue as quickly as possible, bringing their legitimate concerns into the negotiations, outlining viable options, putting an early end to the crisis, and giving peace a chance,” China at UN,he added.

Dai stated that the top priority in resolving the Russia-Ukraine conflict should be to expeditiously facilitate ceasefires and the cessation of hostilities. There are no victors in conflicts and wars; the longer the brutality, the greater the human suffering. Second, he emphasised that “dialogue and negotiation” are the only viable means to end the Ukraine crisis.

In his third point, he urged the international community to seek peace rather than to introduce weapons. And the final objective is to pursue common security and enduring harmony.

Also Read | Putin gave Biden $12,000 pen set months before Ukraine invasion

Dai concluded his speech by stating, “As a responsible nation, China always advocates peace and promotes dialogue and stands on the side of peace and dialogue.” The Chinese government will shortly publish a position paper on the political resolution of the Ukraine crisis. We are prepared to continue to play a constructive role in resolving the Ukraine crisis and achieving peace as soon as possible.”

Written by Ashish Ranjan

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