"COVID-19 Likely Originated in Chinese Laboratory": Nikki Haley
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“COVID-19 Likely Originated in Chinese Laboratory”: Nikki Haley

Nikki Haley stated on Tuesday that COVID-19 likely originated in a Chinese laboratory and demanded an end to US aid to China

Nikki Haley stated on Tuesday that COVID-19 likely originated in a Chinese laboratory

Washington: Nikki Haley, a presidential candidate for the Republican Party of the United States, stated on Tuesday that COVID-19 likely originated in a Chinese laboratory and demanded an end to US aid to China.
“COVID-19 most likely originated in a Chinese facility. Reduce US aid. Zero dollars to Communist China, “Haley sent a tweet Tuesday.

Haley recently stated that if elected, she will eliminate all foreign aid to countries that detest the United States. This includes China, Pakistan, and other adversaries, as “a strong America does not appease its enemies.”

“I will eliminate all foreign aid to countries that detest the United States. A powerful Nation does not pay off its enemies. A proud Nation does not squander the hard-earned money of its citizens. And the only leaders who deserve our trust are those who oppose our adversaries and support our allies “Haley, former governor of South Carolina and former US ambassador to the United Nations, penned an opinion piece for the New York Post.

According to Haley, the United States spent $46 billion on foreign aid in 2017. That is significantly more than any other nation. Taxpayers have the right to know where and what their money is being spent on. They will be surprised to learn that a significant portion of it finances anti-American countries and causes.

Haley, the leader of the Grand Old Party (GOP), formally launched her campaign for the White House in 2024 on February 15 (local time), presenting herself to voters as part of a “new generation” of electable Republican leaders.

Haley is now the first Indian American lady from the Republican Party to compete for the presidential bid. As the former governor of South Carolina and US ambassador to the United Nations, took the stage, Haley introduced herself as the confident daughter of Indian immigrants proposing a new future for the Republican party.

Haley in the Op-ed, while citing examples said that the US has granted Iran more than USD 2 billion over the last few years, even though its government is growing closer to the murderous thugs in Iran who chant “Death to America!” and conduct attacks on our troops.

“The Biden administration resumed military aid to Pakistan, though it’s home to at least a dozen terrorist organisations and its government is profoundly in debt to China. Team Biden reinstated a half-billion dollars to a fraudulent United Nations agency that is ostensibly aiding the Palestinians but is actually a cover for antisemitic propaganda against our ally Israel “She said,

Zimbabwe, which has one of the most anti-American voting records in the UN, has received hundreds of millions of dollars from the United States.

Despite the evident danger China poses to the United States, American taxpayers continue to fund China’s absurd environmental programmes. Belarus is the closest ally of Vladimir Putin, the dictator of Russia. In her op-ed for the New York Post, Haley stated that the United States even gives money to communist Cuba, which our government has designated as a state sponsor of terrorism.

Also read: Following the United States, Canada bans TikTok on government devices due to data concerns

Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, the director-general of the World Health Organization (WHO), stated earlier this month that the organisation will continue its efforts until it discovers the cause of the Covid-19 pandemic, despite a report indicating that it had abandoned the investigation.

“We must persevere until we find the answer,” Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus told reporters, alluding to the search for the origins of the virus that began proliferating in China in late 2019.

Written by Ajit Karn

Ajit Karn is blogger and writer, he has been writing for several top news channels since a decade. His blogs & notions have quality contents.

Following the United States, Canada bans TikTok on government devices due to data concerns.

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