Diet and my teeth

Diet and my teeth

Diet and my teeth: Dental health is more important than most people realize. And nutrition plays a big role in this.

Diet and my teeth: Dental health is more important than most people realize. And nutrition plays a big role in this.

What is tooth decay?

Tooth decay results in the need for inlays or even tooth extractions. Sugar reacts with the microorganisms in plaque to cause decay. This results in the formation of acids that attack the teeth and erode the enamel. After repeated occurrences, the tooth enamel may deteriorate, creating a hollow or ‘cavity’ in the dentine. The tooth is then more susceptible to decay.

What foods can cause decay?

All carbohydrates can induce decay. Sugar can exist in numerous forms. Generally speaking, constituents ending in ‘ose’ are sugars, such as sucrose, fructose, and glucose. All of these carbohydrates can cause tooth decay.

Numerous processed foods contain sugar, and the higher it appears on the list of constituents, the more sugar the product contains. Always read the list of ingredients on food labels before making a purchase.

Remember that “no added sugar” does not necessarily mean that a product is sugar-free when perusing labels. It indicates that no additional sugar has been applied. These products may contain sugars such as those enumerated above, or the sugars may be listed as ‘carbohydrates’. Ask your dental team if you are not positive.

Can food and drink cause erosion?

Acidic foods and beverages can result in dental erosion, which is the progressive dissolution of tooth enamel. The ‘pH values’ of a variety of foods and beverages are listed below. The lower a product’s pH value, the more corrosive it is. Anything with a pH value below 5.5 has the potential to induce erosion. Alkalis are substances with a high pH value that neutralize the acidic effects of sugars. pH 7 is the midpoint between acidic and basic conditions.

  • Mineral water (still) pH 7.6
  • Milk pH 6.9
  • Cheddar cheese pH 5.9
  • Lager pH 4.4
  • Orange juice pH 3.8
  • Grapefruit pH 3.3
  • Pickles pH 3.2
  • Cola pH 2.5
  • Red wine pH 2.5
  • Vinegar pH 2.0

Can I eat snacks?

It is healthier for your dentition and overall health to consume three meals per day as opposed to seven to ten snacks. If you must consume a nibble between meals, choose sugar-free foods. Fruit does contain acids that can cause tooth erosion. However, this is only harmful to your teeth if you consume an excessive amount. Due to its high sugar content, preserved produce should be consumed sparingly.

If you consume fruit as a refreshment, attempt to follow it with something alkaline, such as cheese. Better are savory treats, such as:

  • Cheese.
  • Raw vegetables.
  • Nuts.
  • Breadsticks.

Can I eat sweets?

The most important thing to remember is that it is not the quantity of sugar you consume or imbibe, but rather how frequently you do so. Sweet foods are permitted, but they should only be consumed at meals.

To help prevent tooth decay, limit your consumption of sugary foods and beverages and seek out sugar-free alternatives. Candies and gum containing the artificial sweetener Xylitol may aid in the prevention of tooth decay.

Additionally, sugary foods can cause a variety of health issues, including cardiac disease and obesity.

What should I drink?

Still water and milk are excellent options. It is healthier for your teeth to consume fruit beverages only with meals. Try diluting them with water if they are consumed between meals.

The safest alternative to water and milk is diluted sugar-free fruit juices. Make sure the drink is diluted 1 part fruit juice to 10 parts water before consuming. Some soft beverages contain sweeteners that are inappropriate for small children; if you are unsure, consult your dentist.

Carbonated beverages can increase the likelihood of dental issues. The sugar can cause tooth decay, and the acid in both regular and diet beverages can erode tooth enamel. The risk is increased when these beverages are consumed between meals.

Should I brush my teeth after every meal?

It is important that you brush last thing at night and at least one other time during the day, with a toothpaste containing fluoride.

Eating and drinking foods containing sugar and acids naturally weakens the enamel on your teeth. Brushing straight afterwards can cause tiny particles of enamel to be brushed away. It is best not to brush your teeth until at least one hour after eating.

It is especially important to brush before bed. This is because the flow of saliva, which is the mouth’s own cleaning system, slows down during the night and this leaves the mouth more at risk from decay.

Children up to three years old should use a toothpaste with a fluoride level of at least 1000ppm (parts per million). Three-year-olds to adults should use a toothpaste that contains 1350ppm to 1500ppm of fluoride.

Why is a healthy diet important for my oral health?

Every time you consume something sweet, your teeth are subjected to an hour-long acid attack. This is due to the fact that sugar reacts with the microorganisms in plaque (the sticky film on your teeth) to produce detrimental acids. Therefore, it is essential to consume saccharine foods and beverages only during meals, thereby limiting the amount of time your mouth is at risk.

Acidic foods and beverages can also be harmful. The acid ‘erodes’ or dissolves the enamel, revealing the dentine beneath. This can result in sensitive and unappealing teeth.

A diet abundant in vitamins, minerals, and fresh fruits and vegetables can aid in the prevention of periodontal disease. Periodontal disease can cause tooth loss and poor breath.

Also read: What is dental decay

Does chewing gum help?

Chewing gum stimulates the production of saliva, which helps neutralize acid in the mouth after consuming or imbibing. Using sugar-free gum after meals has been demonstrated to prevent tooth decay. However, it is essential to use only sugar-free gum, as regular gum contains sugar and can therefore cause tooth decay.

Written by Ajit Karn

Ajit Karn is blogger and writer, he has been writing for several top news channels since a decade. His blogs & notions have quality contents.

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