Indian scientists make the first-ever discovery of its sort on Mars.

Indian scientists make the first-ever discovery of its sort on Mars.

Indian Institute of Geomagnetism (IIG) researchers discovered and reported the presence of solitary waves in the magnetosphere of Mars.

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A team of Indian scientists has discovered the first evidence of solitary waves surrounding Mars. Through wave-particle interactions, these solitary waves regulate particle energization, plasma loss, and transport in the Martian magnetosphere.

Indian Institute of Geomagnetism (IIG) researchers found and reported solitary waves in the Martian magnetosphere using high-resolution electric field data acquired by the Langmuir Probe and Waves instrument on Nasa’s Mars Atmosphere and Volatile Evolution (MAVEN) satellite.

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The study of 450 solitary wave pulses seen by the MAVEN spacecraft during its five orbits around Mars in February 2015 has been published in The Astrophysical Journal.

Plasma conditions on Earth and in interplanetary space support a range of electromagnetic and electrostatic waves. Using observations, theory, and simulations, plasma waves are extensively explored to improve our understanding of the ambient plasma conditions and fundamental physical processes operating in those locations.

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According to researchers, the Earth resembles a big magnet, and its magnetic field shields us from the solar wind, which consists of high-velocity charged particles regularly generated by the Sun. However, Mars is an exception. Mars lacks an intrinsic magnetic field that would allow the high-velocity solar wind to interact directly with its atmosphere as an impediment to flow.

Even with a weak and thin magnetosphere like Mars’, theories imply that regular occurrences of solitary waves can be observed. However, they had remained concealed thus far. Due to the direct interaction of solar winds with the Martian atmosphere, researchers have discovered that the magnetosphere is feeble but very dynamic.

“Solitary waves are bipolar or unipolar electric field variations with constant amplitude-phase relationships. Their size and shape are less impacted by their reproduction. These pulses are predominantly observed in the dawn and afternoon twilight sectors between 1000 and 3500 kilometres above the surface of Mars “In a statement, the Ministry of Science and Technology stated.

As it is known that these waves are responsible for plasma energization and its transport in Earth’s magnetosphere, the team is investigating their involvement in the particle dynamics in the Martian magnetosphere and whether or not they play a role in the loss of atmospheric ions on Mars.


Written by Mallika Dureja

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