Green Chilli Benefits: 10 Surprising Health Benefits Of Green Chilli

Green Chilli Benefits: 10 Surprising Health Benefits Of Green Chilli

Health Benefits Of Green Chilli: Apart from adding spiciness and taste to the food, there are several health benefits of green chilli.

Health Benefits Of Green Chilli: Spicy pakora, spicy paneer, spicy potato, spicy mushrooms!! It’s appetizing, isn’t it? You may ponder whzy almost every Indian dish begins with the term “chili.” Well, Indian cuisine is renowned for its seasonings, and chillies give the cuisine its distinctive bite. Green chili not only enhances flavor, but also contributes a great deal of health benefits to the dish. Although it may not be suitable for everyone, consuming it regularly can do marvels for your health. The greatest aspect is that you can also cultivate green chillies at home.

What Is Green Chilli?

Green Chilli, commonly known as ‘hari mirch’ in India, is a spice without which Indian cuisine would be incomplete. However, two types of chillies are, red chilli and green chilli, but the most commonly used is a green one. Moreover, they are used fresh, dried, powdered, pickled or in sauces. People in India usually eat it raw with their food, as it adds to the taste. Apart from adding spiciness and taste to the food, there are several health benefits of green chilli. Let us go through them quickly.

New Chic


Health Benefits Of Green Chilli

Below are the essential benefits of green chilli:

1. Helps Treat Skin Infections

As green chillies are full of anti-bacterial properties, they help cure skin infections and acne. Moreover, it contains Vitamin c that gives healthy and glowing skin. Therefore, remember to store the chillies in a dark and cool place as the chillies might lose Vitamin C if kept in heat and light.

New Chic

2. Good For The Digestive Health

Green chillies are rich in dietary fibre, that help smoothen the bowel movement and improves the digestive health. However, eating green chillies may also prevent ulcers. It is advisable for people suffering from peptic ulcers to avoid consuming green chillies.

3. Green Chilli Benefits In Weight Loss

Adding green chilli to your diet helps burn off the excess fat in your body due to its thermogenic properties. Also, it helps increase the metabolic rate. This is, therefore, one of the important benefits of eating green chilli.

4. Green Chilli Benefits Include Control In Blood Sugar Levels

Consumption of green chillies regularly can prove beneficial for diabetic people. They also help prevent sugar levels from increasing in the body and balance it.

5. May Help Prevent Cancer

Green chillies are very rich in antioxidants, which further, protect your body against free radicals that increase cancerous cells.

Also read: 17 Unbelievable Health Benefits Of Green Chillies

6. Good For The Heart

Consumption of green chillies brings down cholesterol levels and triglyceride levels thereby preventing atherosclerosis. It further, reduces the chances of platelet aggregation. Green chillies also help increase fibrinolytic activity which can prevent the formation of blood clots, a common cause of heart attacks.

7. Green Chilli Benefits Cure Cold

Green chillies contain capsaicin that has a stimulating effect on the mucous membranes of the nose. So, it helps makes it thinner and thus mucus drains from the nose quickly and cures common cold.

8. Helps Combat Mood Swings

However, eating green chillies releases endorphins which help in elevating the mood and curbing mood swings. They are also helpful in relieving pain.


9. May Help Prevent Osteoporosis

Green chillies are rich in Vitamin K, which reduces the risk of osteoporosis. The capsaicin component in green chillies helps prevent the inflammation of joints.

10. Green Chilli Benefits Eyesight


Moreover, green chillies are rich in Vitamin C and beta carotene, which is good for the eyes as well as the immune system.

Written by Ajit Karn

Ajit Karn is blogger and writer, he has been writing for several top news channels since a decade. His blogs & notions have quality contents.

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