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Iran: Allegations of intentionally giving poisoned food to 1200 students, were about to take to the streets against the government

Apart from Iran’s Kharazmi and Ark universities, students from four other institutions also made similar complaints after having food at the university. In protest against this, now students of many universities in Iran are boycotting the cafeteria food. The National Student Union has accused the administration of deliberately serving bad food to the students.

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In Iran, 1200 students fell ill after consuming poisonous food. These students belong to Kharazmi and Ark University, who were to participate in anti-government protests from Wednesday. Victims of food poisoning, these students complained of vomiting, body pain and dizziness immediately after eating food. The National Student Union has accused the administration of deliberately giving poisonous food to the students.

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Apart from Iran’s Kharazmi and Ark universities, students from four other institutions also made similar complaints after having food at the university. In protest against this, now students of many universities in Iran are boycotting the cafeteria food.

Canteen food thrown on the streets

Students of four other institutions, including Kharajmi and Arak University, boycotted the food served in the universities and threw it on the streets.

The National Student Union said in a statement that similar incidents had happened at Ifahan University, where food containing food poisoning was given to children on a large scale. But the administration has told bacteria the reason for food poisoning.

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Medical clinics have been closed in many universities or the stock of medicines to treat diseases related to dehydration and food poisoning has run out. Which indicates that this may be a deliberate attempt to crush the anti-government protests in Iran.

Nationwide strike of students in Iran from Wednesday

A three-day nationwide strike was to take place in Iran from Wednesday. But a night before this, there has been a panic due to the ill health of the students who took part in these demonstrations on a large scale after consuming poisonous food.

Meanwhile, the Iranian government denied reports of disbanding the Morality Police. The Morality Police have been accused of killing 22-year-old Mahsa Amini. Iran’s Morality Police is part of the country’s police system, which ensures the implementation of Islamic laws and DES code in the country. It is also called BASIJ. It is actually a group of people who are loyal to the government of Iran and present themselves as paramilitary forces. In Iran, Basij has been playing an important role in eliminating any dissent against the government for the last two decades.

Iran's morality police have terrorized women for decades. Who are they? | CNN

Please tell that 22-year-old Iranian girl Mehsa Amini was arrested by the Morality Police for not wearing the hijab properly. Mahsa Amini died in police custody. The Morality Police were accused of Amini’s death. After this, demonstrations started against the government and the hijab across the country. Students are actively participating in these demonstrations.


Written by Pawan Kumar

Pawan is blogger and writer, he has been writing for several top news channels since a decade. His blogs & notions have quality contents.

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