Truck driver's driving skills amazes netizens .
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Truck driver’s driving skills amazes netizens .

In a video that has gone viral on the Internet, a truck driver can be seen making a turn that seems impossible. The Internet is amazed by this.

Truck driver’s driving skills amazes netizens

It takes years of practise to become a great driver. But years of riding a motorcycle don’t make you a class-A truck driver’s. One must learn how to control the car and move through traffic. As well as turning on different types of roads. When the vehicle is heavy, like a truck or a trailer truck, the job gets even harder. Because of this, a video of a skilled driver making sure the car goes through a narrow path and into the right tunnel is going viral on social media.

At the beginning of the clip, a trailer truck is driving in the wrong lane of a narrow two-way road and is very close to hitting the wall. At first glance, it looks like the driver may have lost control of the truck, but what happens next is surprising enough. In the next part of the video, you can see that the truck moves out of the way so that the driver’s cabin can slide into the right lane. He uses his common sense so that the long trailer attached to the driver’s cabin can pass without having to touch or swipe anything.

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So far, more than 59,100 people have watched the video and a lot of people have commented on it. People on the Internet were amazed by how good the driver was. Many people were quick to point out how simple laws of physics and common sense can save a lot of work and trouble.

Someone wrote, “Oh, the master!” and someone else replied, “Yeah. He has 99 creations.” A third person said, “The road designer has to be more skilled to make room for big trucks to move…” “There’s nothing like having no room for error,” said a comment. I hate it when that happens.”




Written by Pawan Kumar

Pawan is blogger and writer, he has been writing for several top news channels since a decade. His blogs & notions have quality contents.


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