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Vote on resolution over Ukraine: At UNGA, 32 abstained including India

In the assembly, 141 voted in favour of the resolution, 32 abstained, including China and India and seven voted against it.

Vote on resolution over Ukraine: India abstained from voting in the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) over voteon resolution regarding the need for a comprehensive, just, and enduring peace in Ukraine.

On Thursday, in a “historic vote” at the UNGA, countries condemned Russia for its invasion of Ukraine. The assembly demanded that Moscow withdraw “immediately” from Kiev and called for a comprehensive, just, and enduring peace in Ukraine.

141 members of the assembly voted in favour of the resolution, 32 abstained, including China and India, and seven opposed it.

Ruchira Kamboj, India’s permanent representative to the United Nations, reaffirmed India’s position on the Russia-Ukraine conflict, stating that dialogue and diplomacy are the only viable means of resolution.

“India remains committed to multilateralism and upholds the UN Charter’s principles. We will continue to advocate dialogue and diplomacy as the only viable means of resolution. While we recognise the stated objective of today’s Resolution, we are compelled to abstain due to its inherent limitations in achieving our desired objective of achieving enduring peace.

The Indian ambassador also cited a statement made by Prime Minister Narendra Modi: “We have consistently advocated that no solution can be reached at the expense of human lives. In this context, it is necessary to reiterate our Prime Minister’s assertion that this cannot be a time of conflict. Escalation of hostilities and violence is in no one’s best interest; a return to dialogue and diplomacy is the only path forward.

In accordance with international principles and jurisprudence, she added, parties to armed conflicts are responsible for ensuring that civilians and civilian infrastructure are not targeted.

Kamboj stated that India’s approach to the Ukraine conflict would remain centred on the needs of the Ukrainian people. India is providing humanitarian aid to Ukraine and economic assistance to some of its neighbours in the Global South that are experiencing economic hardship, despite the fact that they are facing rising food, fuel, and fertiliser prices as a result of the ongoing conflict.

“India remained apprehensive regarding the situation in Ukraine. The conflict has caused the loss of innumerable lives and misery, especially for women, children, and the elderly, with millions becoming homeless and forced to seek refuge in neighbouring nations. “Reports of attacks against civilians and civilian infrastructure are also extremely disturbing,” she said.

Also Read | India asks at UNGA: Is UNSC effective to address contemporary challenges global security

During her address to the United Nations General Assembly, she posed fundamental concerns such as “Are we any closer to a solution acceptable to both sides?” Can a process involving neither of the two parties ever result in a credible and meaningful resolution? Has the UN system, and especially its chief organ, the UN Security Council, which is based on a 1945 concept, been rendered ineffectual in addressing contemporary threats to global peace and security?

Written by Ashish Ranjan

India asks at UNGA

India asks at UNGA: Is UNSC effective to address contemporary challenges global security

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