11 year old boy in the US dies after eating flesh.
Asian child is running on treadmill with sun flare.
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11 year old boy in the US dies after eating flesh.

Brown woke up with bruises a few days after the ankle injury, alarming his family. His cousin Megan Brown said he woke up with “a terrible rash”. His leg was splotchy, purple, and red, like bruises.

In the US, an 11-year-old child died after acquiring a flesh-eating infection from a twisted ankle received while running on a treadmill. Fox news stated that Jesse Brown died less than two weeks after contracting a fatal Group A Strep (iGAS) infection.

A few days after injuring his ankle, Brown awoke with bruising that disturbed his family. According to his cousin Megan Brown, he awoke with a “crazy rash.” “His leg was covered in purple and red spots that resembled bruises. “It came on so quickly…in only a few days, it shut down all of his organs,” she added.

Also read: China declares “decisive” victory over Covid despite death toll questions.

Brown was transported to the hospital, where physicians diagnosed him with Strep A. Nevertheless, they were unable to save him because flesh-eating bacteria caused his brain to enlarge, and he died within days.

Brown’s family told Fox News that he was a healthy fifth-grader who raced motocross and was always on the go before he twisted his ankle on a treadmill a few weeks ago, probably scratching himself, which set off a chain of events that led to his death.

According to paediatrician Dr. Candice Jones of Orlando, invasive strep-a cases among children in the United States have recently surged.


“There have been rumours that some of these cases began with respiratory infections, and we had seen an increase in these types of infections post-pandemic. Fox news quoted Dr. Jones of us as saying that there are multiple access points via which these bacteria can cause mild to severe infections and even death.

According to Jones, the majority of cases are not as serious, but in extremely rare instances it can lead to secondary infections such as flesh-eating sickness. She noted that symptoms to watch for include swelling, redness, a bad odour, and fever.

Written by Mallika Dureja

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