Gulmarg Biosphere Reserve

Gulmarg Biosphere Reserve

The Gulmarg Biosphere Reserve, one of the top destinations in Gulmarg for nature lovers, offers plenty of chances to see biodiversity in its most exquisite form, including the beautiful species of vegetation, fauna, and avifauna. In this reserve, which is situated at an altitude between 2,400 and 4,300 metres above sea level, you can capture the animals, including both common and rare species, in their various moods and moments.

This 180 sq km biosphere reserve is home to numerous flora, fauna, and bird species, some of which are extremely uncommon. The musk deer is this area’s primary draw, and it’s located about 48 km from Srinagar. As you explore the deeper portions of the forest, however, you can also see brown bear, leopard, hangul, serow, black bear, and red fox in addition to a diverse range of avifauna like highland birds and pheasants. It is a veritable haven for ornithologists as you may also see the odd griffon, monal, vulture, European hoopoe, jungle crow, Kashmir roller, blue rock pigeon, koklas, and snow cock among other species.

With the exception of some green herbs that give the area a verdant scenic appearance, the vegetation in this area is primarily controlled by towering conifers. Adventurers can choose to stay close to the reserve in one of the camps that are available nearby, and it is accessible to tourists and visitors every day from 10 am to 4 pm. Around the months of March through May, when the flowers are in full bloom and it turns into a birdwatcher’s paradise, the reserve’s beauty and allure multiply many-fold.

Gulmarg Biosphere Reserve in Gulmarg

Gulmarg Biosphere Reserve Highlights

  • If you want to see animals, the best months to go are September through March, and if you want to see birds, the best months are March, April, and May.
  • The Kashmir region is 48 kilometres to the southwest of Srinagar and has a total territory of 180 kilometres.
  • The reserve is renowned for housing a variety of endangered and common kinds of animals, plants, and birds, as well as the musk deer.
  • Conifers make up the majority of the vegetation; the most common varieties include Pinus Griffithii, Cedrus Deodara, Abies Pindrow, Aesculus Indica, etc.
  • Species like Indigofera Heterantha, Sorbaria Tomentosa, and others are commonly found in shrubbery. Dicotyledonous plants and species like Rumex patientia make up the majority of the ground cover in the region.
  • Here, the flora consists of unique and protected species like the red fox, brown bear, hangul, and serow.
  • In addition to other upland bird species, including both resident and migratory types, the avifauna includes large groups of pheasants in this area.


Written by Mallika Dureja

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