How to Be More Confident: 9 Tips That Work

How to Be More Confident: 9 Tips That Work

Stop Comparing Yourself to Others · Surround Yourself With Positive People · Take Care of Your Body · Be Kind to Yourself · Practice Positive Self-

Confidence is the belief in one’s own skills, strengths, and discernment. When asked to explain confidence, the American Psychological Association uses the phrase “a belief that one is capable of successfully meeting the demands of a task.

Having faith might mean believing in yourself generally or believing in yourself in a particular scenario. You may, for instance, have a lot of confidence in your ability to perform a certain task, but less so in your ability to perform other tasks. Confidence has been shown to have positive effects on health and mental well-being.

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Success in both your personal and professional life can be enhanced by cultivating a healthy dose of self-confidence. For instance, studies have shown that self-assured persons are more successful in school. How you come across to others is also influenced by your self-assurance.

Ways to Be More Confident

Luckily, there are a number of strategies you may employ to boost your confidence. These nine guidelines will help you feel more assured whether you lack confidence in just one area or struggle with self-assurance in general.

Stop Comparing Yourself to Others

Do you judge your appearance based on that of your Instagram followers? Or perhaps you judge yourself by the salary of your friend. According to social comparison theory, comparing yourself to others is a normal human behavior. However, it is not likely to help you feel better about yourself. The opposite effect may even occur.

One’s sense of self-worth is directly related to their level of envy, according to research published in Personality and Individual Differences in 2018.4 Researchers found that envy is triggered in people when they compared themselves to others. They feel terrible about themselves, and their envy makes it worse.

Surround Yourself With Positive People

Consider how you feel about your buddies right now. Do they make you feel better or worse? Do they always find fault with you, or do you feel accepted simply as you are?

How To Be More Confident: 9 tips to help you shine - Pretty Big Butterflies

It’s possible that the company you keep has a greater impact on your outlook on life than you realize. Listen carefully to how people affect you. You should probably cut ties with that person if being with them makes you feel horrible about yourself.

Instead, put yourself in the company of those who love and support you. Find people who will encourage you and boost your self-esteem. Confidence in oneself and an upbeat outlook go hand in hand.

Take Care of Your Body

One way to boost your self-esteem is to stop abusing your body, which is the basis of this piece of advice. By taking care of yourself, you boost your emotional, mental, and physical well-being, which in turn boosts your self-esteem.


Boosting one’s confidence and sense of worth is just one side effect of a healthy diet. Eating nutrient-dense foods can improve your health, strength, and energy levels, all of which can boost your self-esteem.


Regular exercise has been shown to increase feelings of competence and self-worth. One study from 2016 indicated that regular exercise did wonders for people’s self-perception. And as their perception of their own bodies enhanced, so did their self-assurance.


Meditation is more than just a soothing pastime; it also has numerous benefits for one’s sense of self-worth. One benefit is that it aids in self-awareness and -acceptance. Meditation can also help you break free of the destructive inner monologue that saps your self-assurance.

Be Kind to Yourself

When you practice self-compassion, you are compassionate to yourself even when you make a mistake, fall short, or face adversity. You’ll be able to connect with yourself and others more deeply as you develop emotional flexibility and learn to manage difficult emotions.

Practice Positive Self-Talk

You should remind yourself that your opinions aren’t always accurate the next time you start to feel like you have no business speaking up in a meeting or that you are too out of shape to work out. The next step is to reprogram your mind to think in a more constructive manner.

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Here are some strategies for combating negative internal dialogue and replacing it with constructive, confidence-boosting thoughts:

  • It’s about shifting your mindset from “I can’t handle this” or “This is impossible” to “I can do this” or “All I have to do is try.”
  • You can turn “I can’t do anything right” into “I can do better next time” or “At least I learned something.”
  • The phrase “I hate public speaking” can be rephrased as “I don’t like public speaking” and “Everyone has strengths and weaknesses.”

Face Your Fears

Get in the habit of confronting some of the worries that emerge from insecurity. Even if you’re worried about looking foolish, you should give it a shot. Even a small bit of uncertainty can be beneficial to success.12 Make it sound like a test and see what happens.

Being nervous or making a few blunders might not be as disastrous as you feared. When you accomplish a new goal, you boost your self-assurance. Ultimately, this can assist you avoid taking risks that could have devastating results.

Do Things You’re Good At

What transpires when one engages in that which one excels at? You feel your confidence level rising. The growth of your strengths reinforces your confidence in your own abilities. One additional upside to this way of thinking is that it can boost happiness levels.

Know When to Say No

It’s acceptable to decline participation in things that could potentially lower your self-esteem. Experiencing discomfort is a normal aspect of developing new skills and expanding your horizons, so you shouldn’t shy away from it. There’s also nothing improper about having firm limits in place.

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When you establish limits with others, you give yourself a sense of psychological security. It may also make you feel more confident. One aspect of self-assurance is the perception that one is in command of one’s circumstances.15 Boundaries aid in developing this sense of mastery.

If someone else makes a suggestion that you know will make you feel less confident, you should politely decline. You don’t need to stay away from that forever, either. You may feel ready to give it another shot once you’ve learned how to boost your self-assurance.

Set Realistic Goals

How to Be More Confident: 9 Tips That Work

It’s common to experience repeated setbacks when attempting to achieve your goals. Because of this, you may start to doubt your own abilities. It can make you wonder how to gain assurance without sacrificing your goals. The solution is in establishing sensible objectives.


Confidence can take a hit if you set lofty objectives and then fall short of them.16 The opposite is true of goals that are practical. You’ll feel better about yourself and your abilities as you do more and more.

Benefits of Confidence

It’s a great feeling when you know you can rely on yourself. However, there are numerous extra benefits to having self-confidence at home, at work, and in personal relationships. Developing self-assurance has several benefits, some of which are listed below.

Healthier relationships:

Stronger bonds: Confidence not only affects how you feel about yourself, but also how you perceive and relate to the people around you. The ability to end a relationship when it’s not providing what you need or deserve is another benefit.

Openness to try new things:

Willingness to take risks: having confidence in oneself leads to more openness to trying new things. When you believe in yourself and your ability, putting yourself out there is much easier, whether you’re applying for a promotion or enrolling in a culinary class.


You may strengthen your resilience, or your ability to overcome adversity, by having faith in yourself.

Written by Aarti

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