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Toothache: effective home remedies to get rid of it

Nighttime toothache can cause discomfort and sleeplessness. Late-night dentist visits are rare, but there are several quick-fix home cures.

Toothaches can be very painful at any time of the day, but they usually get worse at night. This could mess up your sleep schedule and make you feel less energetic the next day. Toothaches tend to happen at night because when we lay down, more blood goes to our heads, which can put pressure on sensitive areas. If the tooth is broken or has a cavity, it hurts more. Some gum diseases or infections can make the teeth painful and sensitive. Pain can also be caused by bruxism, or the habit of grinding your teeth while you sleep. Even though it’s harder to get to a dentist late at night, there are some good home remedies that can help right away.


“A toothache is pain in or around your teeth and jaws that can range from mild to severe. It could mean that something is wrong with your teeth or gums. If you have a toothache, you should try to figure out what’s causing the pain. From there, you can figure out how to best treat any pain, swelling, or other symptoms “Dr. Rajesh Shetty, who is the Clinical Director of the Dazzle Dental Clinic in Bandra, Mumbai, says this.

Here are some effective home remedies for toothaches at night that Dr. Shetty recommends:

1. Saltwater rinse

Many people find that rinsing their mouth with salt water works well as a first-line treatment. Salt water is a natural way to clean, and it can also help get food and other things out from between your teeth. When you use salt water to treat a toothache, it can also help reduce swelling and heal any oral wounds. Mix 1/2 teaspoon (tsp) of salt into a glass of warm water and use it as a mouthwash.

2. Clove oil on a cotton swab.

Clove oil is known to ease pain, so putting a small cotton swab on the tooth that hurts may help relieve some of the pain.

3. Mouthwash that kills germs
Antiseptic mouthwash, like other mouthwashes, doesn’t just make you smell good and give you minty breath. It also helps prevent infections by stopping plaque from building up around the teeth. Mouthwash also helps loosen and get rid of food particles that are hard to reach when you brush and floss. Even better, this antiseptic makes cavities less likely to happen.

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Besides these three very important uses, there are many more. Any type of antibacterial mouthwash can be used to relieve pain and infection in the mouth. It can be used to make your gums and cheeks less sore and swollen, and it can also help stop infections and irritations from happening.

4. A cold pack
You can use a cold compress to ease pain, especially if you hurt yourself in some way and now have a toothache. When you put a cold compress on an area, the blood vessels in that spot get smaller. This makes the pain feel less bad. The cold can also make swelling and pain go away.

To do this, hold a bag of ice wrapped in a towel against the hurt area for 20 minutes at a time. You can do this again every couple of hours.

5. Take something for the pain

You can get short-term relief by taking a painkiller from the store as directed on the label. Most of the time, acetaminophen and ibuprofen are the best choices for tooth pain because they can also reduce swelling around the painful tooth.

6. Put your head up

Try putting your head up on a few pillows while you sleep. If you raise your head above the rest of your body, blood won’t pool in your head and mouth. So, it helps the blood flow, reduces swelling, and takes away some of the pain.

7. Be careful what you eat.
Until you can see your dentist, stay away from foods and drinks that could make your toothache worse, such as those that are very cold, hot, or acidic. Depending on what’s causing your toothache, chewing on the tooth that hurts can cause more damage, so it’s best to avoid putting pressure on it for now.

8. Brush your teeth

Using a toothpick and dental floss to clean the area around the painful tooth may help relieve pain caused by food stuck in the gums.

9. Consume cold liquids

If drinking hot liquids makes the toothache worse, you can try drinking cold liquids, which may sometimes ease the pain.

Written by Mallika Dureja

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