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Chris Hipkins succeeds Jacinda Ardern as prime minister of New Zealand.

Ardern’s center-left government has struggled to manage growing inflation, housing affordability, and a recession in recent months.

Chris Hipkins: New Zealand's Labour party endorses Ardern successor | CNN

Wellington:  There was a large crowd waiting to celebrate Jacinda Ardern as she resigned as prime minister of New Zealand on Wednesday, and Chris Hipkins was quickly sworn in as her replacement.

Natural catastrophes, the biggest terrorist attack in the country’s history, and the Covid-19 outbreak have all taken a toll on Ardern, who admitted last Monday that she no longer has “enough in the tank” to lead New Zealand.

In a ceremony held in the nation’s capital of Wellington, Hipkins was sworn in by Governor-General Cindy Kiro, after which he declared that he was “energised and enthused by the challenges ahead.”


When asked about it, he remarked, “This is the greatest privilege and duty of my life.”

The 44-year-old is now responsible for reviving public support for the government, which has been waning due to a weakening economy and a revitalised conservative opposition.

Earlier on Wednesday, Ardern made her final public appearance as prime minister, leaving the unique Beehive parliament building to a spontaneous round of applause from hundreds of workers and bystanders.

One among the first to offer his congratulations to Ardern was Prince William.

For her “friendship, leadership, and support over the years, not least at the time of my grandmother’s passing,” he tweeted his gratitude to Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern.

Yusuf/Cat Stevens, a folk singer who recently performed a performance in memory of the fifty-one victims of the 2019 Christchurch mosque shooting, lauded Ardern as well.

On Twitter, he praised Ardern for her role in bringing New Zealanders together after the Christchurch terror incident.

After being elected prime minister for the first time in 2017, Ardern rode a wave of “Jacindamania” to an even more resounding win in 2020.

Declining Acceptance

But her center-left government has been having a harder time over the past few months as it deals with rising prices, a housing crisis, and a coming recession.

Hipkins said it made him “extremely proud” to take “the baton of responsibility” from Ardern after leading his first cabinet meeting on Wednesday afternoon.

He said that lowering the cost of living was one of his most important goals, but when asked about other possible policy changes, he was vague.

People say that Ardern, a global leader of progressive politics, has helped New Zealand become more well-known around the world.

Hipkins said that he would make his own connections, but he thought that Ardern would “put in a good word.”

The father of two is known as “Chippy.” He comes from a working-class background and calls himself a “regular, ordinary Kiwi” who loves sausage rolls and biking to work.

He has spoken out against the “utterly abhorrent” things people have said about Ardern on social media, which got worse while she was prime minister.

Ardern said on Tuesday that she would “hate” for her decision to leave to be seen as “something bad about New Zealand.”

“I feel grateful that I’ve had this great job for so many years,” she said.

Ardern will still be in parliament, but she has said that she wants to step back from the daily fights in politics.

She has also said that she plans to marry Clarke Gayford, who hosts a popular fishing show on TV, and that she can’t wait to take her daughter Neve to school.

Gayford said that Ardern’s resignation was met with a “incredible outpouring of thanks and respect,” and that he was very proud of her “superhuman efforts.”

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Written by Ajit Karn

Ajit Karn is blogger and writer, he has been writing for several top news channels since a decade. His blogs & notions have quality contents.

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