Will Prohibit U.S. Firms From China Business: Indian-American Candidate for President
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Vivek Ramaswamy proposed prohibiting American companies from doing business with China

Ramaswamy has proposed dismantling the Department of Education and the FBI and prohibiting American companies from doing business with China

GOP presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy proposed prohibiting American companies from doing business with China

Washington: Three secular religions — race, gender and climate — have put the United States in a bind today, GOP presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy told his fellow conservative Republicans. If he is elected president in 2024, he has proposed dismantling the Department of Education and the FBI and prohibiting American companies from doing business with China.
“Today’s Declaration of Independence proclaims our independence from China. If Thomas Jefferson were still alive today, he would approve this Declaration of Independence. This is the Declaration of Independence that I will sign if elected president “Mr. Ramaswamy, 37, stated in his address to the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) – the premier annual event of the Republican Party and its supporters – that he would not vote for Donald Trump.

In his first significant address from a national stage at the CPAC, Mr. Ramaswamy, who last week proclaimed his intention to run for president in 2024, cited his admiration for former president Donald Trump, 76, and his “America first” philosophy. He observed that it is time to identify the problems and aggressively address them.

Mr. Ramaswamy stated in his 18-minute speech that “three secular religions have America in a choke hole today.”

The first is this “enlightened racial religion” which asserts that a person’s identity is determined by his skin colour. “That black individuals are inherently disadvantaged. White individuals are inherently privileged, regardless of their socioeconomic status or upbringing. That a person’s heritage determines who they are and what they can accomplish in life, “he said.

This has resulted in “This new culture of dread in the United States combines with the “second secular religion” that asserts “the sex of the person you are attracted to must be hardwired on the day you were born, whereas your own biological sex is entirely malleable throughout your lifetime.”

“It makes no logic unless religion is involved. It is consistent with religion rather than reason. And then it follows suit with the first religion “Mr Ramaswamy said.

The third is the American climate religion, which holds that “we must fight carbon emissions at all costs in the United States, while shifting those same carbon emissions to countries like China, where, if you believe in this religion, you would have embraced nuclear energy, which is the best known form of carbon-free energy production.”

“However, these individuals oppose nuclear energy. In reality, the climate religion has about as much to do with climate change as the Spanish Inquisition did with Christ, which is to say nothing. It is about power, dominance, control, punishment, and apologising for what we have accomplished in this country and the West as it exists today “Mr. Ramaswamy stated amidst audience acclaim.

He stated that the United States is experiencing an identity crisis.

“Take my word for it. I’m 37 years of age. I am a millennial. My birth year is 1985. My generation, and really every generation of Americans living today, is so ravenous for a cause. We are starving for purpose, meaning, and identity at a time in our nation’s history when the things that once satisfied our appetite for purpose, such as faith, patriotism, hard work, and family, have vanished “he said.

“We yearn to be a part of something greater than ourselves, but we cannot even define what it means to be an American in the twenty-first century. The GOP has an opportunity here. This is an opportunity for the conservative movement to rise to the challenge and fill the vacuum with a vision of American national identity so pervasive that it renders this awakened poison irrelevant “he said.

Mr. Ramaswamy declared that he fully supports the “America first” agenda. “Believe me, I am a conservative who puts America first. I will not offer an apology. But in order to place America first, we must now rediscover what America is. As a result, I declared my candidature for president of the United States last week in order to provide the country with a national identity it lacks “he said.

“This indicates that you believe in merit and that advancement in this country is based not on the colour of one’s skin, but on one’s character and contributions. As president of the United States, I have vowed to eliminate affirmative action in this country for good. It is a malignancy on our national essence “he said.

The Indian-American stated that he would prohibit American firms from conducting business in China.

“I believe it is essential to be truthful. If we want to declare independence from China, we must be prepared to prohibit the majority of US companies from conducting business in China until the Chinese Communist Party falls or fundamentally reforms. Because there is no simple way out besides tearing off the bandage immediately “he said.

“I apologise to Henry Kissinger. We’ve completed your investigation. In America, there is no other option. We must begin to consider the time frames of history rather than electoral cycles. We need a little bit of Churchill in this country, not Chamberlain. If you are willing to make a sacrifice, there is a good chance you won’t have to because the opposing side will collapse first “He claimed.

Mr. Ramaswamy called for the dissolution of the Department of Education and the Federal Bureau of Investigation in his address (FBI).

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“The US Department of Education will be the first agency to be eliminated and must be eliminated in the United States, as stated last week. It has no purpose for existing. Should never have occurred.

“And today, I am prepared to announce the second government agency I will close in this nation, something we should have done at least sixty years ago. It has harmed both Republicans and Democrats. Finally, it is time to dismantle the FBI in the United States and replace it with something new, as we are done with the J. Edgar Hoover legacy and want to return the country to self-government “he said.

Written by Ajit Karn

Ajit Karn is blogger and writer, he has been writing for several top news channels since a decade. His blogs & notions have quality contents.

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