ChatGPT 8-point solution on Russia-Ukraine war, Tharoor says ‘great experiment!’

ChatGPT 8-point solution on Russia-Ukraine war, Tharoor says ‘great experiment!’

As the fighting between Russian and Ukraine continues and a diplomatic solution does not seem to be on the cards, former foreign secretary Vikas Swarup asked ChatGPT to come up with a mediation plan.

Former Indian foreign secretary and author Vikas Swarup asked ChatGPT to come up with a plan for mediating the Russia-Ukraine conflict, and the artificial intelligence chatbot responded with a possible eight-point plan that included decentralisation of power in Russian-speaking regions and international monitoring of the implementation of agreements reached during negotiations.

Former diplomat and author of the best-selling book behind the Oscar-winning film Slumdog Millionaire, Vikas Swarup, revealed the response of ChatGPT when asked to develop a plan for mediating the Russia-Ukraine conflict. Although the AI chatbot acknowledged that finding a solution that is acceptable to both parties is difficult, it stated that it could suggest a possible mediation solution.

The first stage in resolving the conflict, according to ChatGPT, should be negotiations between the leaders of the two countries, and both sides must agree to an immediate ceasefire. It was suggested that negotiations should seek to establish a framework for future cooperation and find common ground.

To help stabilise Ukraine’s economy, the chatbot also requested economic assistance from global financial institutions such as the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank.

“Russia must recognise Ukraine’s sovereignty and territorial integrity,” it continued.

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Further, ChatGPT stated that Russia should collaborate with its neighbour to safeguard the cultural rights of Russian speakers in Ukraine, such as permitting the use of Russian in education and public life.

In addition, it demanded the withdrawal of military forces from the conflict zone and the creation of a demilitarised zone along the frontier.

Shashi Tharoor, a senior Congress leader and former diplomat, found Swarup’s initiative intriguing but noted that conflicting leaders are irrational in ways that artificial intelligence cannot comprehend.

“Interesting initiative by @vikasswarup, but as he knows, leaders in conflicts are irrational in ways AI cannot comprehend! In this particular instance, I can conceive of a number of Russian objections to the formulation of the ChatGPT. However, it is a fantastic endeavour!” he tweeted.

Written by Mallika Dureja

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