Heart Health Tips

Heart Health Tips

Heart Health Tips: Throughout the day, you may not give much thought to the fact that your heart is constantly functioning for you.

Heart Health Tips: Throughout the day, you may not give much thought to the fact that your heart is constantly functioning for you. Because it transports blood and oxygen to all of your organs, your heart is the most essential muscle in your body.

When your heart does not receive the necessary care, significant problems can develop in the lining of the arteries, leading to the formation of plaque.  Plaque is the cause of heart attacks and blood flow obstruction in the arteries. Comprehend the conditions that affect your heart and the lifestyle choices that can help prevent or manage them. Taking action will help you maintain a healthy heart. Defining here Heart Health Tips:

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Heart Health Tips

What is cholesterol?

You may believe that all cholesterol is harmful, but your body requires some to function properly.

Cholesterol is a waxy substance produced by the body and ingested through diet. It allows the body to produce vitamin D and specific hormones, such as estradiol in women and testosterone in men, and aids in digestion.

You may have heard of the following two forms of cholesterol: High-density lipoprotein, or HDL, is commonly referred to as good cholesterol, while low-density lipoprotein, or LDL, is commonly referred to as poor cholesterol.

Bad cholesterol can contribute to the development of arterial atherosclerosis. On the other hand, good cholesterol helps eradicate plaque. In the end, it helps prevent cardiovascular disease. Too much of the evil or too little of the good can contribute to cardiac disease.

How do I know if I have high cholesterol?

Typically, there are no symptoms of elevated cholesterol. Therefore, it is advisable to have your cholesterol levels tested using a blood test or at-home instruments. You may be required to abstain from eating, drinking, and taking medications anywhere from nine to twelve hours prior to your test. Discuss with your physician the best way to prepare for a home test.

This blood test will provide you with several figures, including your total cholesterol, good and bad cholesterol levels, and triglycerides, a form of fat.

Also read: How to take care of your heart health

Written by Ajit Karn

Ajit Karn is blogger and writer, he has been writing for several top news channels since a decade. His blogs & notions have quality contents.

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