
World Braille Day

International World Braille Day, which occurs annually on January 4th, serves as a reminder of the value of independence and accessibility for people who are visually impaired and blind.


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Today is the day when we celebrate the Braille! World Braille Day it is.

International World Braille Day, which occurs annually on January 4th, serves as a reminder of the value of independence and accessibility for people who are visually impaired and blind.

What Is Braille And What Is Braille Day?

 In the modern world, voice activation and technological technologies make life much easier for the blind. However, one technology, in particular, has benefitted innumerable blind people. The braille system was created approximately 200 years ago.

If you are wondering when is World Braille Day celebrated, don’t worry. We got it covered.

January 4th is Louis Braille’s birthday, and it is also the same day we observe World Braille Day. He is the mastermind behind Braille’s creation, which has helped hundreds of people. Louis was born in France in 1809, and after suffering a childhood injury, he became blind.

But he quickly became skilled at this new way of life. Louis developed a reading and writing technique based on Charles Barbieri’s night writing system while he was just 15 years old.

Blind people can read and even compose letters, thanks to Braille. The technology comprises various uprising dots that form words and letters that may be touched to read.

Why Do We Celebrate It?

Many businesses today, including banks, restaurants, and hospitals, must provide braille versions of their menu or their different ways of communication. Because of this, persons who are blind or have other visual impairments cannot frequently make their own food decisions or maintain their financial privacy.

This day, celebrated as International World Braille Day worldwide is seen to get these rights for everyone who deserves them. On this day, Braille and other adaptive communication methods are promoted. Regardless of ability, everyone gets the same facilities and services. Let’s keep that in mind and do our part to improve accessibility at work.

World Braille Day

How Do We Raise Awareness For Braille Day?

These days, innovations like watches and games like Legos and Rubix cubes also use Braille and contribute their products for everyone to enjoy. These ways continuously change how we use Braille and contribute to the rise in braille literacy. That is why everyday items like signs, ATMs, and elevators have Braille. Louis Braille and the institutions that embraced and implemented his reading and writing system are all to credit.

But here are some ways you can help too!

  • You can raise awareness of World Braille Day and get the word out! People need to be aware of this Braille Day, and you can contribute to it spreading! Also, because you have the resources, you can spread the word through social media like Instagram and Twitter. This is a simple way to help people during World Braille Day, and small steps from you can make a difference.
  • Another thing you can do is buy a gift in Braille and donate it or gift it to one of your friends who needs it. The sheer amount of happiness you can receive and they can receive is immense and worth it! This present might be a book, a toy, or educational materials, whatever you may want another person to have and enjoy.
  • Why not acquire Braille’s reading ability? We learn French or Spanish, so why not consider Braille a language and learn it! This could be very helpful because not only can you learn a different language, but you can also teach it to some other people!

Facts You Should Know About Braille

–     You must remember that Braille is not a language! It is a sensory system that uses combinations of raised dots to represent the alphabet, words, punctuation, and numerals, allowing blind and visually impaired persons to read and write by touch. The large bulk of languages have braille codes and depending on the language, some symbols denote different things, including accented letters.

–     Books and publications aren’t the only things written and typed in Braille. Additionally, it marks commonplace objects like prescriptions, door signs, elevator keypads, and restaurant menus in public areas. It is also used to make a variety of papers, including bank statements, more easily accessible.

–     Many highly well-liked traditional games, like Monopoly, Scrabble, and Uno, have braille adaptations. Braille playing cards are also available, allowing blind and partially sighted persons to participate in these games and have fun with their sighted friends and family.

Blind and visually impaired persons do not always use Braille. Getting the sensitivity and the touch sensation on pages can take some time. This can make learning braille more challenging as you age or have other health issues affecting your fingers’ sensitivity.


On this day, celebrate it like the rest! Raise awareness, make it essential and make the people seen. The opportunity provided by World Braille Day allows the blind and visually impaired members of our community to learn more about the problems at hand.

The development of Braille has increased visibility for those with vision impairments and promoted equal opportunity. By focusing on the methods, we may use to assist blind individuals, it is hoped that the world would make greater efforts to promote inclusion

Written by Mallika Dureja

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