Vitamin D supplements lower risk of diabetes.

Vitamin D supplements lower risk of diabetes.

Vitamin D intake a lower risk of developing type 2 diabetes in adults with prediabetes, a review of clinical trials has found.

A review of clinical trials found that adults with prediabetes may be less likely to develop type 2 diabetes if they get more vitamin D. it is a fat-soluble vitamin that can be found in some foods or added to them. It can also be taken as a supplement or made by the body when ultraviolet rays from the sun hit the skin.

It helps the body do a lot of things, including making insulin and helping the body use glucose.

 vitamin D

Researchers said that observational studies have found a link between having a low level of vitamin in the blood and a high risk of getting diabetes. The team from Tufts Medical Center in the US did a systematic review and meta-analysis of three clinical trials to compare the effects of vitamin D supplements on the risk of diabetes.

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Over a three-year follow-up period, new-onset diabetes happened in 22.7 percent of adults who got vitamin D and in 25 percent of those who got a placebo. This is a 15 percent relative reduction in risk. The results of the study, which was published in Annals of Internal Medicine, were extrapolated to show that more than 374 million adults around the world have prediabetes.

The research shows that inexpensive vitamin D supplements could keep more than 10 million people from getting diabetes. In an editorial that went along with the study, authors from University College Dublin and the Food Safety Authority of Ireland warned that past research has shown that too much vitamin can have serious negative effects.

They say that professional groups that support vitamin D therapy have a duty to tell doctors about both how much vitamin D they need and how much is safe.The researchers say that a very high dose of vitamin could help some people avoid getting type 2 diabetes, but it could also hurt them.

Written by Mallika Dureja

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