PM Degree

Details Of PM Degree Not Needed, Says Court, Fines Arvind Kejriwal

The Gujarat High Court has ruled that the PMO need not furnish the post-graduate degree certificate of PM Narendra Modi.

Details Of PM Degree Not Needed: Today, the state’s highest court overturned an order requiring Gujarat University to disclose details of Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s degree, stating that the information is unnecessary.
In addition, the Gujarat High Court fined Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal 25,000 for requesting this information.

Within four weeks, Mr. Kejriwal must deposit the funds with the Gujarat State Legal Services Authority.

Mr. Kejriwal tweeted in response to the order and the fine: “Does the country not have the right to know how educated its prime minister is? They vehemently opposed revealing his degree in court. Why? And the person asking to see the degree will be fined? What is going on? An uneducated or less educated prime minister is dangerous for the country.”

In 2016, in response to a Right to Information (RTI) request, the Central Information Commission instructed the Prime Minister’s Office (PMO), Gujarat University, and Delhi University to provide details regarding PM Modi’s undergraduate and graduate degrees.

The Gujarat University filed an appeal with the High Court.According to his election paperwork, PM Modi graduated from Gujarat University in 1978 and Delhi University in 1983 with a master’s degree.During hearings held last month, Solicitor General Tushar Mehta argued that the university should not be required to disclose this information.

“In a democracy, it makes no difference whether a person holding office has a doctorate or is illiterate. Furthermore, there is no public interest involved in this matter. Even his privacy is at stake,” a top government attorney had stated, insisting that the information on the PM’s degrees had no bearing on his position.

Mr. Mehta stated, “We cannot be asked to provide information to satisfy someone’s childish and irresponsible curiosity.”Additionally, the Solicitor General stated that information requested under RTI must pertain to public activity. “They cannot inquire about my breakfast, but they can inquire about how much I spent on it,” he remarked.

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The attorney for Mr. Kejriwal noted that election nomination forms list educational qualifications. “We are requesting a degree certificate, not a transcript,” said Percy Kaviny.The court order is part of an aggressive campaign by Mr. Kejriwal’s Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) to highlight the Prime Minister’s educational credentials. The party has posted anti-Prime Minister Modi posters in multiple cities.

Written by Ashish Ranjan


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