From “My Wife Hates Me” to “My Wife Loves Me”

From “My Wife Hates Me” to “My Wife Loves Me”

If you desire to go from “my wife hates me” to “my wife loves me,” perhaps you need to make the first move. Here are some moves to make. Find Out Why

In the film The Vow, a married woman is in a vehicle accident and sustains brain damage. She remembers nothing about her husband when she comes to in the hospital. She couldn’t remember anything from the two years prior, including when she first met, fell in love with, and married her husband. The film is inspired by the life and death of Kim and Krickitt Carpenter. Their true story is far more interesting than the film adaptation. The terrible incident occurred two months after their wedding. Krickitt was in a coma for four months, while the other was hurt as well. Throughout that time, Kim was constantly by her side. When she woke up, he was overjoyed, but his excitement quickly changed to disbelief when she claimed to have no memory of him. She reportedly told the doctor that she was single. The years that followed were particularly trying. Not only had she lost all of her memories, but her very character had shifted. She disliked Kim and avoided being in his company. Her once-bright eyes became icy and suspicious when she looked at him. Kim and Krickitt, despite the hardship, recalled their vow: “For better or worse, in sickness and health.” No matter what happened, they were both committed to one another. Their love for one another has grown deeper and stronger over the past 22 years.

I fell out of love with my wife after 16 years of marriage, how is it  possible? What happened to me? - Quora

Most marriages terminate in a gradual decline. Inevitably, everyone ends up spending more time alone. Underneath the surface, unresolved hurt feelings cause distrust to build. Eventually, the love in someone’s eyes or in both persons goes out. If that’s the case, you should remember your word. The situation can be improved upon. To change your situation from “my wife hates me” to “my wife loves me,” you may need to take the initiative. What I suggest doing is listed below.

Find Out Why

You probably already know the reason(s), but if you don’t, that’s the first thing you need to accomplish. You won’t be able to solve the problem any other way. If you’re like me, when you hear an accusation, your first instinct is to prepare a defense and fire back counterclaims. Take a deep breath and release those negative feelings. Our pride and pain can make us unable to see reality. She might be mad at you for a reason, after all. Don’t just write it off without giving it a shot. You have a firm grasp on your own perspective. The most accurate viewpoint can be attained by gaining exposure to the opposing argument. You will succeed in making her feel heard in the end. It’s a good platform to move forward.

Double Down on Your Commitment

Despite everything, the Carpenters reaffirmed their love for one another. Krickitt, on the other hand, repeatedly rebuffed Kim’s advances. Kim said he knew he had to keep trying no matter how angry his wife got with him. It’s human nature to run from danger. Show her you’re serious by taking deliberate steps in her direction. Forrest Gump’s unwavering loyalty to his pals in the face of their own inconstancy is one of the reasons I admire him so much. Even though he was frequently mistreated and even ignored, he never compromised his principles. Marriages require such loyalty in times of difficulty. Even when, just for a while, it is one person.

Consistent and Understated Thoughtfulness

Save the great gestures till later. Larger events typically elicit more dramatic responses. If she has a bad attitude toward you, you might expect a negative response. She may react nicely, but it is a considerable risk. We tend to evaluate grand gestures critically, as if they were an attempt to find a quick solution.

My wife hates me”: 15 signs your wife hates you (and what you can do) -  Hack Spirit

Doing thoughtful things on a regular and subtle basis is preferable. Get her favorite treat, do the duty she despises, check on her car to make sure everything is in working order, or just give her a call or text to let her know you were thinking of her and meant it in a nice way. Keep your love alive in the little things. At first, it may seem like you’re working against the current. The water’s momentum will gradually weaken until it’s able to carry you along.

ALSO READ: Best 5 Reasons Why Marriage is So Important

Written by Aarti

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