sundar pichai ceo of google
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Google: Sundar Pichai was criticised for the ‘rushed’ and ‘bungled’ announcement of google Bard.

According to a report, Google employees have criticised the CEO on Memegen, Google’s popular internal forum.

According to a report, Google employees have criticised the CEO on Memegen, Google’s popular internal forum.

Reportedly, Google CEO Sundar Pichai is facing internal criticism for how the company introduced Bard, an artificial intelligence (AI) chatbot that Pichai himself announced on February 7 and is viewed as a direct competitor to OpenAI’s ChatGPT.

Google employees have taken to Memegen, the popular internal forum of the tech giant, to criticise the CEO, describing Bard’s introduction as ‘rushed,’ ‘botched,’ and even ‘un-Googley.’

“Dear Sundar, the Bard launch and the layoffs were hurried, incompetent, and shortsighted. Please return to a long-term perspective,” read a message, which was followed by numerous updates from employees.

Another message stated that Pichai and the leadership deserved a “PerfNI,” referring to the company’s lowest performance rating. “In their pursuit of sharpening their focus, they are comically myopic and un-Googley,” it continued.

What transpired during Google Bard’s announcement?

On Monday of last week, Pichai introduced Google Bard to the world, a day before rival Microsoft announced it will integrate language-based AI capabilities into its Bing search engine.

Prabhakar Raghavan, the head of search, presented slides describing the capabilities of the chatbot during Wednesday’s formal unveiling of Bard. However, listeners expected to hear more. In addition, many employees were unaware that such an event was occurring. One presenter neglected to bring the required phone for the demonstration.

This was in addition to a Google-published online promotional video in which the software tool provided an incorrect response.

Also read this:Prime Minister Modi inaugurates the first section of the Delhi-Mumbai Expressway.

Written by Ajit Karn

Ajit Karn is blogger and writer, he has been writing for several top news channels since a decade. His blogs & notions have quality contents.

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