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With the new year coming around, you have some thoughts about the new year’s resolutions. They may be the same as last year’s, or maybe you thought of some new ones. But whether you are a student or an adult, it is seen that some of the common new year’s resolutions are:
- Exercise more
- Lose weight
- Learn a new hobby
- Quit smoking
- Live life to the fullest
Are you a part of this list too? I thought so.
Will 2023 Be Better?
A lot of people have changed in the year 2022. The pandemic is just closing, and new chapters for everyone started this year, so the 2023 resolutions of these people would also take a leap. It has been seen that 75% of new year’s resolutions get abandoned in the first week of January itself. Yikes!
But you don’t have to be this person because 2023 will definitely be better. Whether you are spending your night at a new year party or sitting alone at home watching your favourite series, the moment the clock strikes 12, you tell yourself, “Lets make 2023 our year!.” And even though it is not magically going to make you stick to your goals, this article help you on how to keep them on your list for the entire year.
Mission 2023
Your mission for the year 2023 is not going to be a trilogy that ends in three months, we are going to make sure that it goes on and on, like “Mission Impossible,” to let slack from your resolutions.
Make Realistic Goals
When you say lose weight, do you mean how much? 5kgs? 10kgs? 50kgs!? It’s impossible to tell. Because no matter what you say, losing a single kg could also mean you have completed your resolution. Try to be more direct with your goals, something you can achieve in a realistic timeline. Instead of saying, “I will exercise more in 2023,” you can say, “I will work out for 1 hour 5 days a week for the first month of 2023.”
Did you catch the difference?
Focus On One Thing
If you make seven New Year resolutions, your 2023 is already falling. No matter how good you are at multitasking, if you have multiple goals in your mind, they will crash with each other, and you won’t be able to pay attention to even a single one.
Your new year’s resolution is your girlfriend, and you are not a player.
Take one specific goal in your head, master it and then move to another. I know 2022 got over in a blink of an eyelid, but you will have enough time in 2023 to take on multiple resolutions. Even if you focus on one thing per month, you can complete 12 resolutions.
Learn From Your Mistakes
No matter how much you lie, everyone knows you carry some of the same resolutions from last year. Or from the year before that. Something you have been trying to achieve for the past years and still need help to have them. I know I have. But to make 2023 better, you learn from your mistakes and plan your resolutions better. You must know why those resolutions worked out and where you slacked or what went wrong, analyze it, and then move forward.
We are not a bunch of losers who would carry on the exact resolution from 2018, and when I say I would learn how to do a pull-up this year, I mean it! I will train my back and triceps every day for 10 minutes, and voila! By March, watch me do a pull-up.
Make Your Friends Join In With You
Doing anything alone is boring. Watching the movies, going for a jog, staying sober, you name it. So, find friends with similar goals as yours, and you can motivate each other to stay put with your resolution. So, when you are at the New Year’s Eve party, you can search for your resolution buddy instead of finding a new year’s kiss! It is not as dull as it sounds, trust me.
If you make a new year’s resolution to wake up early every morning, find a friend who wants to do the same, and maybe you can go for a jog in the morning. Help each other!

How cool will you sound at your next new year’s party when you say, “Yeah, I stuck to my new year’s resolution.” Extremely cool. So this year in 2023, let’s plan our New Year’s resolution so we can stick to it for more than a month.
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