
BBC Documentary: Why controversy over BBC documentary on PM Modi

BBC has created a new series in two parts titled India: The Modi Question. Its first part has been released on Tuesday. The series talks about PM Modi’s alleged role in the Gujarat riots. There is a dispute regarding this.

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The controversy over the BBC documentary on Prime Minister Narendra Modi is increasing. The Ministry of External Affairs of India has also given its response on this. At the same time, in Britain also the issue of this documentary has been raised in the Parliament there. British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak also reacted after the Pakistani-origin MP raised the issue here on Thursday.

Let us know what is there in this documentary, which is being disputed? Why was it released now? Where did the controversy start? What does India have to say? What happened on this in the UK Parliament?

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What is in the documentary that is being disputed?

British broadcaster BBC has created a new two-part series titled India: The Modi Question. Its first part has been released on Tuesday. In this series, the political journey of PM Modi’s initial phase has been talked about. At the same time, his association with the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh, his rising stature in the BJP and his appointment as the Chief Minister of Gujarat have also been discussed in it. It also mentions the riots in Gujarat when Modi was the Chief Minister. This part talks about PM Modi’s alleged role in the Gujarat riots. There is a dispute regarding this.

Where did the controversy start?

It was released on BBC Two on 17 January. Controversy started as soon as the series arrived. Its protest started on social media in Britain. People objected to this and said that BBC should also make a series on the Bengal famine of 1943. In which more than 30 lakh people died due to starvation and disease. One Twitter user wrote that the BBC should also make a series titled UK: The Churchill Question. Seeing the growing controversy, a day later, on Wednesday, the BBC removed the series from YouTube.
The matter reached the British Parliament on Thursday. Here Pakistan origin MP Imran Hussain raised the issue of BBC series. At the same time, there was a response from the Indian Ministry of External Affairs as well.

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What did the Indian Ministry of External Affairs say on the series?

Regarding the documentary released by BBC, Foreign Ministry spokesman Arindam Bagchi said that we think it is part of a propaganda. It has no objectivity. Describing it as biased, he said that ‘note that it has not been displayed in India’.
The Ministry of External Affairs has said that we think this is a propaganda material, designed to push a particular story. The bias, lack of objectivity and colonial mindset are clearly visible in this. He said that this film or documentary is a reflection of the agency and individuals who are spreading this story again
Referring to the comments made by former UK Secretary of State Jack Straw in the documentary series, Bagchi said that he (Jack Straw) seems to be referring to some internal UK report. How can I reach there? This is a 20 year old report.

What happened on this in the UK Parliament?

On Thursday, Pakistan-origin Labor Party MP Imran Hussain raised the issue in the UK Parliament. After this, British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak defended his counterpart Narendra Modi. He said that he does not agree with the characterization of his Indian counterpart. He said the UK government’s position on this has been clear and long-standing and has not changed. Further, Sunak said, ‘Of course we do not tolerate harassment, wherever it may be, but I do not agree at all with the characterization that has been put forward about Narendra Modi.’

British MP accuses BBC of biased reporting

Earlier, Lord Rami Ranger, a member of Britain’s House of Lords, targeted the BBC in his tweet on Wednesday. The British MP accused the BBC of biased reporting and also criticized the BBC for hurting the sentiments of crores of people in India.
Lord Rami Ranger wrote in his tweet that “BBC News, you have hurt the sentiments of crores of people of India and also insulted the democratically elected Prime Minister of India, Indian Police and Indian Judiciary. We want riots and death of people. Condemn but we also condemn your biased reporting.”

United Hindu Front also lodged objection

An organization named United Hindu Front also strongly condemned the BBC on Thursday. Front’s International Working President Jai Bhagwan Goyal said that BBC knows that if it wants to be discussed worldwide, it will have to take support of Modi’s name only. Whatever other propaganda she is trying to do, it is a reflection of the imperialist thinking of the BBC, which is being uprooted from its own country.
He said that the two-part series ‘India the Modi Question’ on BBC is far from the facts. He objected to its name, saying that Modi would be a ‘question’ for the UK, such foul language would be befitting the BBC’s ethos. But Modi is the ‘answer’ for India and many countries of the world.

BBC describes documentary as ‘deeply researched’

Meanwhile, on Friday, the BBC defended its controversial documentary on Prime Minister Narendra Modi. A BBC spokesman said it was a ‘deeply researched’ documentary which sought to highlight important issues. “The documentary was thoroughly researched in accordance with the highest editorial standards,” the spokesperson said in a statement.
Opposition parties also reacted
Now the country’s main opposition Congress has also reacted to the controversial documentary. Party general secretary organization KC Venugopal said Narendra Modi is still scared of the truth about 2002 coming out after 21 years. Venugopal said that blocking the documentary was a cowardly and undemocratic act. This clearly shows the dictatorial attitude of Modi.

TMC leader Derek O’Brien said that the BBC documentary he posted has been removed from YouTube as expected. Further said that let’s see how many more times BJP gets it deleted.

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Written by Ajit Karn

Ajit Karn is blogger and writer, he has been writing for several top news channels since a decade. His blogs & notions have quality contents.

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