The Chinese leader Xi Jinping arrives in Moscow for a summit with Vladimir Putin
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The Chinese leader Xi Jinping arrives in Moscow for a meeting with Vladimir Putin

Beijing’s proposals to end the conflict in Ukraine as the Chinese leader arrived in Moscow on Monday for a meeting with Vladimir Putin

Beijing: Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping were to debate Beijing’s proposals to end the conflict in Ukraine as the Chinese leader arrived in Moscow on Monday for a historic meeting with Vladimir Putin.
China has attempted to depict itself as a neutral party in the Ukraine conflict, but the United States has accused Beijing of considering arms exports to Moscow, which China has vehemently denied.

Xi’s three-day mission also functions as a show of support for Putin, who has been internationally isolated since a war crimes tribunal issued an arrest warrant for him on charges of illegally deporting Ukrainian children.

Beijing state media reported Xi arrived by plane in Moscow on Monday for the summit, which will include a discussion of China’s 12-point position document advocating for dialogue and respect for the territorial sovereignty of all nations.

“One way or another, issues raised in (Beijing’s) plan for Ukraine will be touched upon during the negotiations. Putin will provide detailed explanations of the Russian position,” Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov told reporters.

Putin has lauded Beijing’s statements regarding Ukraine as indicative of a willingness to play a “constructive role” in resolving the conflict, stating that Sino-Russian relations are “at their peak.”

Kyiv on Monday reiterated calls for Russia to withdraw its forces from Ukraine ahead of Xi’s arrival.

“The formula for the successful implementation of China’s ‘Peace Plan’. Oleksiy Danilov, secretary of Ukraine’s National Security and Defense Council, wrote on Twitter that the surrender or withdrawal of Russian occupation forces from (Ukrainian territory) in accordance with international law and the UN Charter is the top priority.

– The ICC’s arrest warrant –

Putin visited the Russian-held Ukrainian city of Mariupol the day before Xi’s arrival, marking his first visit to territory captured from Kyiv since Moscow’s forces crossed the frontier in February 2022.

A few days prior to Xi’s visit, the International Criminal Court (ICC) issued an arrest warrant for Putin on charges of illegally deporting Ukrainian minors.

Monday, Beijing stated that the International Criminal Court should avoid “politicisation and double standards” and respect the principle of immunity for heads of state.

Foreign ministry spokesperson Wang Wenbin stated at a regular briefing that the court should “maintain an objective and impartial stance” and “respect the immunity of heads of state under international law.”

He added that the solution to the Ukraine conflict remained “dialogue and negotiation.”

Neither China nor Russia have signed the Rome Statute that established the International Criminal Court.

This month, Xi, who broke a long-standing precedent by beginning his third tenure as president, referred to Putin as a “old friend.”

– ‘No limits’ friendship –

In recent years, Beijing and Moscow have forged a “no limits” partnership that has served as a diplomatic bulwark against the West.

China has criticised what it perceives to be a US-led campaign of pressure against Russia as Moscow’s campaign in Ukraine continues on, advocating instead for “impartial” conflict mediation.

“No single country should dictate the international order,” Xi wrote in his Russian media article Monday.

He added, “China has always maintained an objective and impartial position based on the merits of the issue and has actively promoted peace talks.”

Western nations have criticised Beijing’s position, claiming it provides diplomatic cover for Moscow’s armed intervention.

They argue that China’s proposals are replete with lofty ideals but lacking in concrete solutions.

The United States stated last week that China’s proposals would merely consolidate “Russian conquest” and permit the Kremlin to prepare for a new offensive.

Friday, National Security Council spokesman John Kirby stated, “We do not support calls for a cease-fire at this time.”

– Weapons for Russia? –

“We certainly do not support calls for a ceasefire by the PRC in a meeting in Moscow that would only benefit Russia,” he said, referring to the country’s official name, the People’s Republic of China.

In addition, Washington has accused Beijing of considering arms exports to Moscow, which Beijing has vehemently denied.

According to analysts, Xi’s actions are unlikely to result in a truce in the Ukraine conflict.

However, his journey will be attentively monitored in Western capitals.

According to the Wall Street Journal, Xi may also be planning his first contact with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky since the beginning of the conflict.

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According to Zelensky, he would welcome discussions with his Chinese counterpart.

Xi and Putin are set to have an “informal” one-on-one meeting and dinner on Monday before negotiations on Tuesday, Putin’s top foreign policy adviser Yuri Ushakov told Russian news agencies.

Written by Ajit Karn

Ajit Karn is blogger and writer, he has been writing for several top news channels since a decade. His blogs & notions have quality contents.

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