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Want a long life? Eat these foods daily

Want a long life? Eat these foods daily

Want a long, productive life? What you eat matters. These ten food items may help you live longer and healthier.

01/10 Foods that increase longevity of life

Want a long life? Eat these foods daily

India ranks first with nearly 50 million cardio patients and second with approximately 155 million obese individuals. Diabetes has been diagnosed in over 30 million people, and hypertension affects 100 million individuals. In the future years, India’s young, unhealthy population is projected to increase. These numbers are a clear indication of this trend. This can be ascribed to our active participation in today’s sedentary lifestyles. Extensive screen time without breaks, skipping meals due to work pressure, and, of course, the practise of resorting to junk food after starving for hours and savouring unhealthy bingeing as if it is our last day – all of these factors significantly contribute to the escalation of health risks and the emergence of rare diseases that our grandparents never even heard of. A few simple lifestyle adjustments can add decades to our lives. Include the following foods in your diet and see the difference for yourself.

02/10 Figs/anjeer

Want a long life? Eat these foods daily

Usually consumed in its dried form or barfis, this healthy dry fruit has got a lot of vitamins and minerals in it, ranging from potassium, vitamin A, C and K, copper to zinc, iron, and manganese. The potassium content present in figs has many benefits. It helps maintain blood pressure and ensures proper digestion of food. It also contains dietary fibres that keep the stomach filled for longer hours and prevent you from unhealthy food cravings. The presence of fatty acids such as omega 6, omega 3 and phenol bring down the risk of coronary heart diseases while ensuring healthy bowel movement.


Want a long life? Eat these foods daily

If you are addicted to having fries all the time, kale can be a great alternative. The best part is you won’t even realize when you develop the taste of it and completely forget fries that harm the body, both from the inside and outside. A member of the cabbage family, highly consumed in India, kale comes loaded with many nutritious benefits including vitamins, calcium, fiber, and antioxidants. A great cure to various heart diseases and even deadly diseases like cancer, it can be consumed in many ways – be it in the form of salad, soup or even raw. It is also one of the world’s best sources of vitamin K and helps in preventing osteoporosis, commonly seen in women.


Want a long life? Eat these foods daily

Normally seen in the fruit baskets kept on the dining tables of most families, apple is considered a great appetizer that can quickly turn on your inner food craving. High in fiber and water, this fruit significantly helps in reducing human cholesterol levels and can lower the risk of heart diseases. The soluble fiber or pectin and malic acid found in apple ensures smoother digestion and enables stool to pass through intestines without any hassles. Healthy and easy to carry, apples can be used to prepare various dishes and desserts. It also cures diabetes with the presence of polyphenols in it that prevents tissue damage to beta cells in the pancreas. Beta cells in a human body often get damaged due to diabetes and there is no better cure than having apples regularly to address this concern.

05/10Green Tea

Want a long life? Eat these foods daily

One of the healthiest beverage loaded with antioxidants and nutrients, green tea offers several benefits if consumed regularly. Also known as a fat burning supplement, this refreshing beverage helps in cutting down body fat and accelerating the metabolism of a human body. Having a cup or two of this amazing drink also helps in fighting cancer by having a protective effect against the development of cancer cells. The presence of powerful antioxidants makes it possible and reduces the risk of cancer. There is another useful compound – catechin – present in green tea that makes it a cure to brain diseases. This engenders a positive effect on neurons, improves the brain function and protects it from Alzheimer’s. It is available in different flavors and is very beneficial for the human body. But remember, always buy one that comprises natural flavoring agents instead of artificial flavors.


Want a long life? Eat these foods daily

A type of cyanobacteria hailing from the family of blue-green algae, spirulina comes packed with various useful nutrients such as protein, vitamin, iron and copper. The antioxidant called phycocyanin present in spirulina is responsible for its blue-green colour and can fight free radicals while providing anti-inflammatory effects to any sort of burns. According to studies, it also treats people with allergies including sneezing, itching, congestion or nasal discharge. Apart from these health benefits, spirulina also helps lower blood pressure and cholesterol in the human body. A recommended dose of this excellent dietary supplement can provide these aforementioned benefits to humans and help them live a disease-free life.



Want a long life? Eat these foods daily

A yellow pigment found in turmeric, curcumin offers great anti-inflammatory properties and accelerates the production of antioxidants in a human body. Primarily, it can be extracted from turmeric and used for producing supplements that can cure depression and anxiety along with reducing the LDL-cholesterol, blood glucose and blood pressure. Another health benefit it offers is slowing down the aging process. It effectively reduces the production of ROS while ensuring that cerebrovascular endothelium is protected against dysfunction. In doing so, it significantly helps in slowing down the entire process of aging in the human body.


Want a long life? Eat these foods daily

Garlic is proven to have compounds that have medicinal properties. The active compounds in garlic can reduce blood pressure, bring down cholesterol levels and even reduce the symptoms of body pains and common cold. The best way to consume garlic is to have two raw cloves everyday on an empty stomach.


Want a long life? Eat these foods daily

Indian gooseberry or Amla is known to have magical health benefits. One of the greatest sources of Vitamin C and anti-oxidants, it is not just a part of several Ayurvedic medicines but is said to be excellent for the hair, skin, eyes and digestive system. Have one spoon of freshly grated amla daily on an empty stomach for deriving the maximum benefits. Amla powder is also a convenient option.


Want a long life? Eat these foods daily

A popular sweet-tasting plant mainly used for sweetening beverages and making tea, stevia has around 150 species and can be treated as an alternative to sucrose or table sugar. The best part is, despite its sweetening properties, it doesn’t contribute carbohydrates or calories to the diet and causes no effect on insulin response. So, even diabetic people can have access to a wide array of dishes without sacrificing taste and affecting sugar levels. If you think you overload your body with sugar, you can occasionally replace it with stevia.

Written by Mallika Dureja

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