5 reasons you should not skip breakfast

5 reasons you should not skip breakfast

Several studies have found a correlation between eating habits and health. Here are five reasons you should not skip your breakfast.


Why does an average person who sleeps for 8 hours straight need to break the overnight fasting period in the morning? This answer may seem to be simple – it replenishes the stores of energy and nutrients in your body. But that’s not quite it. A healthy and fulfilling breakfast does much more than that for your body. Breakfast helps you improve your energy levels, memory and concentration powers. Beyond all this, it helps in keeping your weight under control and also reduces the risk of heart disease in the long run. There are n number of reasons to not skip your breakfast! But despite having an infinite number of health benefits, the first and most important meal of the day often takes a backseat in this busy day and age due to a variety of reasons. Here’s a list of reasons why you should prioritize the first meal of your day –

Despite the fact that we are all aware that breakfast is the most important meal of the day, many of us still choose not to eat it. Skipping breakfast can be detrimental to your health in multiple ways. The following is how it impacts your physical well-being:

Women who make a pattern of skipping breakfast are at an increased risk of developing type 2 diabetes. This danger is compounded when they do it on a regular basis.


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Can have an effect on cardiovascular health: One study indicated that persons who skipped breakfast had a significantly increased risk of dying from cardiovascular disease and stroke compared to those who ate frequently.

Studies reveal that persons who habitually skipping it have a greater incidence of cancer and a higher mortality rate associated to cancer. Skipping also appears to raise the risk of cancer.

If you skip breakfast, it could have a detrimental impact on your mood throughout the day. According to a number of studies, those who do not have breakfast tend to have the worst memory abilities and the highest levels of weariness.

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You are mistaken if you believe that skipping breakfast would help you lose weight because doing so will instead cause you to gain weight. If you skip breakfast, you will develop a craving for sweet and fatty meals, in addition to experiencing acute hunger pangs. As a result, you will emerge ahead in the end, rather than falling behind.

Written by Mallika Dureja

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